GUI Settings

There's 4 sections to the GUI settings window. Each are present as pages, just click on the exposed tags of each page to move to them. Here's how they work;

The only gadget present is Action Buttons. This only has three settings. They control the look of the Action Buttons at the top of the Voyager control panel. By default this is set up for Text and Icons so that the Action Buttons will be comprised of picture icons with a descriptive line of text labelling each one. Obviously text only means the buttons will be only made out of text and Icon's only does away with the text line. This function is useful if your screen is fairly small such as PAL screenmode users.

This page allows you to customise the colours of various aspects of Voyager. The background color is the colour of the standard background Voyager uses when no background image is present in a HTML page. Text color is the default text color normally being black. Link color is the color of a link which hasn't been seen yet, normally red. Followed Link color is the color of a link to a page which has already been seen, normally blue. Image Link color is the color of the text shown before an Image is loaded, normally grey. Click on the color bar will bring up a palette GUI which enables precise control of the color used.

This page allows you to change the fonts used by Voyager to render the text in the HTML pages. Pay specific attention to the increasing fonts sizes of the Headline fonts. They are usually preportional which gives a more pleasing result than a non preportional font. The so-called Fixed Font must be a non-preportional font since this is used where this effect is relied upon to format text in a prespecified way.

Finally the links page allows editing of the Home Page and Fast Links. The Home Page URL entered here will be the first page Voyager attempts to load when first started. This URL will also be navigated to when you click on the Home Action Button. The Fast Links represent the entries for the Fast Link buttons on the bottom of the control panel. Note that these can be turned off by the Show Fastlinks switch in the settings menu. The Label will be the text shown on the buttons while the URL text box refers to the URL Voyager will attempt to load when that Fast Link is clicked upon.
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